Just recently, Ross Insurance received an invitation to join Astonish Results and the Insurance Journal in San Diego, CA from January 18th-20th. The reason behind the invitation was to expand the existing marketing potential within our agency and learn from the successes of other Astonish agencies from across the country, while at the same time gaining exposure and recognition for the existing marketing program at Ross Insurance. Astonish hand selected 16 agencies that they feel are on a path to take their agencies to the next level. First on the agenda was the excellent opportunity to meet with Mitch Dunford, CEO of Insurance Journal, and Astonish Results “Rockstars” CEO Adam DeGraide and President Tim Sawyer, among other top industry leaders. The day also included a video interview for the “e-Marketing Minute“, a bi-weekly video featured on InsuranceJournal.tv, as you’ll see in a few photos below. During the two day conference, Ross Insurance will have the chance to exchange successful strategies and hear tips from long time Astonish Results clients, including Ken Peterson. Of course no Astonish Results visit would be complete with plenty of motivation, as the last day will be reserved for a full day of marketing training and additional encouragement from Adam DeGraide and Tim Sawyer. We look forward to not only learning new and effective techniques but to execute these strategies to provide the best and most convenient service to all of our clients.
Ross Insurance Attends E-Marketing Conference