In the past few months has anything changed in your life that may affect your current auto policy? Are you using your vehicle in business? Has the garaging location changed? Is any one new using your car? These are all types of things that your insurance agent needs to be aware of. Simple mistakes like forgetting to add your young driver can lead to denied coverage. Also, if you forget to update which city or town your car is being garaged in and something were to happen to your vehicle your claim could be denied. For example, say that you currently reside in Holyoke, Ma and your young driver takes the family car with them to school out in Boston. You would need to notify your insurance agent that the car will now be garaged in Boston. If something were to happen to the vehicle and it was known that your child routinely used the car while in Boston but it was listed that the car was garaged in Holyoke, they could deny a claim for false information. We are here to help our customers and notify them of the potential risks involved if their auto policy information is not accurate or up to date. The small changes that affect your auto policy are often overlooked, which is why we are here to offer help when you need it. You can contact our office through our interactive website, or call any of our agents during our office hours and we would be glad to assist you in any changes that need to be made on your policy. In the event of an accident, there are more important things to worry about than if your claim would be denied because your auto policy is not up to date, so remember to contact your agent with any changes.