Ever heard of a “Grouposal”? Groupon, a famous online coupon business promoting coupons for local business through different social media websites, made headlines recently as one eager man proposed to his girlfriend using the online coupon site. Greg, the man behind the plan, contacted Groupon with the idea of creating his own coupon to propose to his girlfriend, a longtime fan of the online coupon site. Through creative use of the website, Greg created his own proposal and an editorial filled with different facts about the couple. The proposal or “Grouposal” as Groupon refers to it, was sent out on January 5, 2010 and was received and luckily approved.
Whether you are planning a creative proposal or in the process of planning a wedding, consider including Special Event Insurance for the big day. Weddings are becoming more extravagant which in turn can mean more expensive. Be sure that your big day goes off without a hitch and contact one of agents to find out more about special events insurance.