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Life is a Party, Eat the Cake!



My Fitness Journey: Life is a Party, Eat the Cake!


I would like to start out with a disclaimer: I am not, nor will I ever be a fitness professional (even though in my own head I have my own show, millions of followers, and I live happily retired from my day job doing something I now love: Helping people transform!) The exercises, food choices, and activities I share with you are not magic, I can’t tell you for sure if you follow my path it will lead to success, but I can guarantee that you have a new friend, whose been there done that, who knows the challenges and how hard it is, but also knows first-hand how amazing and rewarding it is. I will start our friendship off by telling why I made a change, and some things that helped me in my journey along the way, thank you for taking time to read it, I hope it encourages you, and maybe provides you with that last push you need to get started!

I was sitting around the supper table with my family, discussing a new weight loss app


This is the app that helped me learn proper amounts of NORMAL food to eat! To set up an account of your own and get started visit: my fitness pal!

My Fitness Pal” This is an app where you literally record everything you eat, it teaches you portions and how to eat, it also shows you how many extra calories you get to eat after doing certain exercises (This is My Favorite part) So my sister was pushing all of us to download this app and as a family lose weight. Now I knew I was a tad overweight, chunky would even be appropriate, but I was not prepared for what I would see when it was my turn to go into the bathroom and weigh myself, 227 pounds!! I can’t describe all the emotions running through my head: sad, angry, shocked, ashamed, unattractive, but then something clicked right there in that very moment. I was ready! Suddenly those emotions changed to motivation, determination, and courage.


The left is me at my unhealthiest. Sore, Tired and Just getting by. The right is after 18 months of dedication, healthy choices and hard work. There is no alternative to healthy eating and exercise.

BE READY. Only you can feel deep down when you are ready to make a change, don’t let others tell you that you need to lose weight, don’t do it for the wrong reasons, don’t be swayed by fads, do it because that voice inside you has told you, YOU’VE GOT THIS! Only when you feel it, will you set yourself up for success.

So after doing my research and learning I needed to lose about 90 pounds, I set off on what seemed like a daunting task, it felt unreachable, we can start out so great guns, until day 1 (Why didn’t I lose 5 pounds today??) often when we are just beginning we have in our heads that it will be a quick overnight fix and we will see results, this is not so and I believe it’s the reason why so many fail on their journey. It becomes easier to stay the way we are then to put in so much effort with nothing to show for it. We live in a society where quick fixes are a way of life, and I will admit there are some shows/programs that can get it done faster than others, but for common folk like you and me, it’s a slow process that requires patience, patience with yourself.

SET SMALL, reachable goals, hold yourself accountable to them, when you set smaller goals, then you are seeing results faster, this keeps you motivated. I didn’t realistically expect to see 90 pounds gone overnight, but I do remember those feelings that I’m sure I share with so many of you “I can’t do this” “It’s too hard” “My life is too busy” When those doubts and fears come, remind yourself of that little voice that recently told you “you’ve got this” you heard it because YOU WERE READY!


Small changes can be choosing to walk the golf course instead of golf cart it!

I’ll be honest with you; I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease 8 years ago, so I eat totally Gluten Free but… I didn’t give up foods in my journey, I never abandoned sweets, and I still eat breads, Cheese, and I Love my glass of red wine at night (sometimes two) I did make some healthier choices, some alternatives to save on calories but also because they were better for me. Like switching from beef burgers to turkey burgers, having a sweet potato instead of a regular potato, I also made the choice to cut out soda, which was my big take away. Soda, even diet is not good for you, so I switched to Seltzer (seltzah, if you’re my mom pronouncing it) which I know is an acquired taste but it gave me that bubbly happiness you just need once in a while. So if I didn’t give up on foods in my journey, how did I lose the weight? I still had everything I wanted, just less of it! Swapping out some alternatives and smaller portions worked for me.


This is a picture of me, my sister and mother. It has no real relevance other than when I picture my mom with her goblet saying “seltzah” it makes me happy.

There are so many diet food programs out there- shakes, meal plans, meal prepping, no carbs, no sugar, no gluten, there are actually devices that send shock waves to your stomach when you’ve had too much to eat! None of that was for me… I didn’t want to spend money to lose weight, I didn’t want the mail man to know I was on nutria system, I didn’t want to have to remember to make a shake, I wanted life to be normal, that was important to me, and that’s why it worked because I made the choice of what worked best for ME. Just cutting back, and making some healthier choices will work WONDERS on your journey too.

I want to go on record as saying I believe all the programs mentioned above, have done amazing things for people, I think they have incredible value and should be considered when deciding what is right for you, but I personally can’t speak to their success, as I didn’t use them. You will find that transformation is a very personal thing, be careful when choosing your path, make sure it’s what you need and it will work for you and that you are 100% comfortable with it.

Along with Diet comes (cue the Jaws music) …. Exercise! YES! I said it! I believe it! In order to attain your weight loss goals and transformation you have to move that body! Here’s what you have to know, START SLOW.


This was me on the left the first week I started my journey. I hiked a mountain and thought I was going to die and someone would have to airlift me off the mountain. The right is me crushing my goal and hiking that same mountain!!

The last thing you want to do is start off doing too much, and hurting yourself, this will cause major setbacks that might lead to failure. Find your limits, embrace your limits, and set goals based on those limits, remember small goals are best. I started by walking, just walking around the block 5 -6 times a week, I was winded, I was sweaty, but I was … Happy! Each walk I went on was another step (pardon the pun) in the right direction. I eventually worked my way to a slow jog, then a run. I’m still to this day more of a jogger than a runner, in fact I often run/walk as my cardio routine anything that gets that heart rate up, is burning those pesky calories away! Exercise is a journey of its own and like when choosing a diet there are SO many options to choose from: get a gym membership, build a home gym, yoga, cross fit, beach body, Richard Simmons (You know you love a good sweatin to the oldies sesh) I’m a cross fit girl, I could never have used cross fit to lose the weight, I use it now as my maintenance program.


Pace yourself and stay consistent. Wherever you are in your journey, be proud of yourself!

Cross fit is tough and has a strong risk of injury, so while I do recommend it and believe in it, I recommend shedding some pounds first, working up your fitness level, then crushing it! I guess what I am saying is no matter which program you choose, they all focus on the most important thing, moving your body! You can make small changes in daily life too, park further away at the store so you walk a little more getting in, take the stairs instead of the escalator at the mall. What seem like small choices add up to big changes! Trust me.

So here’s my magical formula: eating healthier + moving your body = transformation.

My journey took 18 months; I lost 92lbs, from 227llbs pounds to 135lbs, from a size 16 to a 6. I have now maintained my transformation for almost 2 years. I am happy and healthy, truly never been in a better place, physically but almost even more important: Mentally! I have reduced stress, anxiety even certain fears. It’s amazing what will happen to you when you make the choice to transform, I’m just a common working girl like the rest of you, I work a full time job, and manage duties at home. Honestly, If I can do it… YOU CAN DO IT!

When all of this is done right, you feel a change in your life, a balance. You feel healthy and able to do just about anything. The best feeling is, YOU made this change.


One of my favorite quotes is “I love the person I’ve become, because I fought to become her” I did fight….every day…..and it was worth it.

SO whether a doctor told you that you have to lose weight, whether your clothes don’t fit like they used, maybe you want to run around outside with your kids/grandkids, maybe you looked in the mirror and you’re not happy with who is looking back at you.. I’ve been there, whatever your reason, you’re Ready! You’re Able! You’ve got this!

I’ll leave you with one more thought, the thought I’ve based my entire journey on; I think it’s very important to still LIVE LIFE! The rest of the world doesn’t stop because we chose to make a change, there will still be cake at parties, there will still be burgers at cookouts, and there will always be a beer in the cooler with your name on it. GO AHEAD, live life, just remember to stay within the limits and goals you’ve set for yourself, and when that party or cookout is over, get right back on track. I promise you, you will not succeed long term if you stop living!

Life is a Party, Eat the cake!




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